Pay close attention to these signs. They will help you learn the general extent to which your inner child has been wounded and the level to which you feel unsafe in this world. The more signs you say “yes” to, the more you need to seriously consider inner child work:
• In the deepest part of me, I feel that there’s something wrong with me.
• I experience anxiety whenever contemplating doing something new.
• I’m a people-pleaser and tend to lack a strong identity.
• I’m a rebel. I feel more alive when I’m in conflict with others.
• I tend to hoard things and have trouble letting go.
• I feel guilty standing up for myself.
• I feel inadequate as a man or woman.
• I’m driven to always be a super-achiever.
• I consider myself a terrible sinner and I’m afraid of going to hell.
• I constantly criticize myself for being inadequate.
• I’m rigid and perfectionistic.
• I have trouble starting or finishing things.
• I’m ashamed of expressing strong emotions such as sadness or anger.
• I rarely get mad, but when I do, I become rageful.
• I have sex when I don’t really want to.
• I’m ashamed of my bodily functions.
• I spend too much time looking at pornography.
• I distrust everyone, including myself.
• I am an addict or have been addicted to something.
• I avoid conflict at all costs.
• I am afraid of people and tend to avoid them.
• I feel more responsible for others than for myself.
• I never felt close to one or both of my parents.
• My deepest fear is being abandoned and I’ll do anything to hold onto a relationship.
• I struggle to say
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